Innovation, quality  and  safety in order to improve

We believe that development, research and technological innovation are all essential instruments to face the new global challenges and seize the opportunities in the energy sector. The realities of the sectors in which we work and the future economic and climate changes   which will arise make us concentrate even more on many different fronts: environment protection, technological progress, energy efficiency and the development of renewable resources.


In line with these principles IFRAS S.p.A. has obtained certification ISO 9001, ISO 14001, BS OHSAS 18001 and the SOA attestation (attestation of qualification for the realization of public works) in the categories: OG1- VI, OG2-II, OG3-VI, OG8–I, OG12-III, OS19-II, OS30-V.


Ifras has adopted the Organization, Management and Control Model according to Legislative Decree 231/2001.


It is enrolled in the NATIONAL REGISTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGERS cat. 9 classe C, cat. 1 and 5 classe F.


Legal headquarters: Viale Liegi, 44 Roma · Head office: Via delle Miniere, 2 Elmas (CA)

Tel. 0039070 2425331 · Fax. 0039070 2425504 ·